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Scene 2.


TONY: She actually did it... She did move out... I realized that in eight years, I had barely become accustomed to her presence... That I had always felt surprise and disbelief that she was with me, that she was a durable presence in my life, and as time was passing, I kept worrying that my luck had lasted too long already ... So, once she was out of it, there was no longer even any surprise in my life... I had no reason to wonder, or feel unsettled any more... I felt that I was just a jerk like any other jerk, and that I had had it coming to me... The fact was, it was a divorce of sorts, of course... Even though I saw her every day... I didn't ask her if it would be alright for me to have sex with others... I didn't want her opinion on it... I was too much afraid that she would say. "Yes...," meaning, that she did... If she did, I didn't want to know it...

It's a lovely place she has... I get dizzy in the elevator... honest to god... every time I go up there...I am sort of weak in the knees when I arrive in the corridor... I get dizzy with apprehension and with joy, like going for a fuck... But I am going to see my wife... She has a little dog... I take them out to restaurants... I take the dog when she goes on trips... She has taken some things from our apartment, and when I see them in hers, I don't recognize them...

(Lights come on. ISHTAR's apartment.)

TONY: Here is Boy!

ISHTAR: Oh, boy, dear Boy... hello boy? Did Boy have a good walk, is Boy happy to be back? Are we together again, Boy? Life is good isn't it, Boy? Isn't life good for us, Boy?

(Meanwhile, TONY disposes of the little white plastic bag. He comes back and they kiss.)

ISHTAR: It's all so quiet now...

TONY: Why do you want quiet so much... Quiet is... quiet is...

ISHTAR (gaily): Death...

TONY: ... so boring, dont' you think... For me quiet is boring... I don't want quiet... I am glad to be here, with you... I could spend my life here, you know... In my mind, this is where I live... When I think of where I live, when I think of home... This is the place I see... I dreamt of you... I was sitting in your lap and you were teaching me algebra, and you were asking me questions, and every time I gave the right answer, you kissed me on the mouth...

ISHTAR: That wasn't me...

TONY: Does Amalthea come here?

ISHTAR: She has been here once or twice, she stays in Connecticut, she is preparing an exhibition...

TONY: Do you go out there often?

ISHTAR: You know it...

TONY: What for?

ISHTAR: It's quiet... What else...?

You can't put this fantasy out of your mind, can you? You need your little fantasy?

TONY: All I know is, I don't need quiet... Certainly not more quiet...

ISHTAR: D'you want a drink?

TONY: Yes, thanks. And a bite to eat?

ISHTAR: Help yourself!

TONY (pours himself a drink): Do you mind if I shut up this quiet for an instant?

ISHTAR: Suit yourself!

(Before she finishes these words, he put on the radio at high volume...)

TONY (shouts): Duke Ellington... That's LIFE... You hear me?

ISHTAR (laughs, loudly.)

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