Constitution of the Federation of Israel-Palestine
(of the virtual date of adoption Day 1, and the actual date of adoption Day 366.)
The people of Israel and Palestine declare that they will share their
lands and live as good neighbors for all time. While maintaining their identity
as Jews and Muslim so long as they wish to do so, and while granting others
among them who wish to believe otherwise the right to do so, they create for
their common good this Federation of Israel-Palestine, combining selected
forces of the autonomous State of Israel and autonomous State of Palestine.
The same people of Israel and Palestine declare that the following shall
be done before 1 May 2002 by the free will of the State of Israel and the
Palestine Authority, or else by the concerted demand of the United Nations,
the United States of America, the European Union, the Republic of Egypt,
the Russian Republic, and the virtual public of the world, by Day 90.
Section I.
A Transfer of Governments Agency is hereby created and its Transfer
Officers Designated. The Transfer Officers shall consist of eleven persons,
five of whom shall be appointed by a two-thirds majority of the Security
Council of the United Nations and three each by the government of the State of
Israel and the Palestine Authority.
At its first meeting, said Agency will as its first order of buisness
declare this Constitution of the Federation of Israel-Palestine
to be from that moment onward the law of the land and people of the Federation.
All laws, rules, and regulations, and all parts and wholes thereof,
of the State of Israel and of the Palestine Authoity shall simultaneously take effect
under this Constitution, insofar as they are consistent therewith, and, if inconsistent,
are thereupon rendered null and void.
All elective and appointive officers of the State of Israel and the Palestinian Authority at
the time this Constitution becomes operative will subsequently hold office as individuals
and at the discretion of the Transfer of Governments Agency and no one of them will hold office
beyond assumption of office by the Councils of State.
Section II.
The TGA (Transfer of Governments Agency) shall provide for the following
structures of government of the Federation and the selection of their officers,
with their designated powers. The structures consist of the Citizens, the
Federal Commission, the Council of the State of Israel, the Council of the
State of Palestine, the Joint Conference of the Councils, and the Supreme
All persons born in, exiled from, refugee from, descended of a refugee from, or
resident in the territorial limits of the Federation for any two years preceding the
virtual adoption of the Constitution are declared to be citizens of one or the other State
and of the Federation, provided they are duly naturalized by day 400.
For the first elections of the Federation, the State of citizenship will be
determined by a person's prior identity and status as an Israeli or Palestinian.
Upon three years' notice, commencing one month following the first
elections, any citizen of the Federation can choose to change his citizenship
from one State to the other State.
All citizens over 15 years of age will real aloud this Constitution and declare
the following pledge before an officer of any public library within one year of
the adoption of this Constitution: "I pledge to my fellow citizens of the
Federation of Israel-Palestine to support the Constitution of the Federation of
Israel-Palestine and the laws of my State consonant therewith."
The same declaration will be made by every citizen upon reaching the age of 15.
Every citizen of the age of 18 and older shall be entitled to vote in the
elections of one's State and of the Federation. A voter will permanently be
registered as belonging to one or the other State, but may ask for an Israel
ballot or a Palestine ballot at the elections of the Councils, which are to be
held on the same time at the same places under the supervision of the Federal Commission.
The Federal Commission will consist of eleven Commissioners acting by
majority vote on all matters upon which a majority requests a vote. Initially
five of the Commissioners will be appointed by a two-thirds vote of the
Security Council of the United Nations meeting in Special Session, and three
each will be appointed by the Israel and Palestine Councils of State. At the
end of three years, the United Nations Commissioners will resign and be
replaced by five Commissioners elected at large by the Federal electorate
according to the system of approval voting. Thereafter, the term of office of
these five elected Commissioners will be for three years, coinciding with the
terms of office of the Senate and Councils of State.
The Commissioners will exercise the following duties:
1. To intervene by a court action in any situation in which a State or an
individual violates this Constitution by action or inaction, in which event the
court's judgement will constitute the directive to all parties involved.
2. To propose by majority vote any bill of legislation that it deems for the
public good and to submit this bill to the Councils of the States of Israel and
Palestine for their vote of approval or rejection. In the event of a rejection by
both Councils, the bill will be voided. In the event the bill is rejected by a
single Council, the other Council of State may request of the Commission
that the bill be submitted to the people acting on the majority principle, and if
then the bill is approved by the people of the Federation it will become law.
3. The Commissioners will belong, as individuals, to the Senate of the
The Senate of the Federation of Israel-Palestine will consist of the eleven
incumbent Commissioners together with twenty members elected by the
system of approval voting from single-member, equally-populous, randomly
and compactly-drawn, territorial districts of the Federation. The voter may
vote for one or as many of the candidates as he would be satisfied to have as
his representative. His acceptable candidates receive one vote each. The
candidate achieving the greatest total vote is declared elected.
1. The term of office of the Senate shall be three years.
2. The Senate will have the power to veto a law that it finds unacceptable,
giving its reasons, whereupon the law must pass once again with a two-thirds
vote of the two Councils of State.
The State of Israel and the State of Palestine will each be governed by its
Council of State. Each Council will consist of thirty-five members, elected
by universal suffrage, from equally populous, randomly and compactly
drawn, territorial districts of the Federation.
1. The term of office of the Councils shall be three years.
2. Each Council would legislate for its own constituency, except on matters
constitutionally designated here as Federation questions, and approved as
such by the Supreme Court. On Federal questions, both Councils must
approve the proposed law of the single Council or send the controverted bill
to the Joint Conference for reconciliation or other action.
A Joint Conference of the Federation Councils of State, consisting of twelve
members, six appointed by each Council and two appointed by the Senate,
will exist for the duration of each legislative term.
1. Differing versions of a controverted piece of legislation will pass to the Joint
Conference of the Federation Councils, which would then agree upon the
final form of the law and duly report all laws agreed upon to the Federal
Commission to be registered.
2. The Joint Conference would also appoint by majority vote all judges of
courts of general jurisdiction, including the Supreme Court, consisting of
seven members, three members of which at least must be citizens of each State.
The armed forces will be under the direction of the Israel Council of State.
The armed forces may engage in operations only outside of the Federation
and only with the advance approval of the Federation Commission.
The laws of the Federation of Israel-Palestine, as registered and approved by the Supreme
Court, will be enforced by a single police agency. The police agency will be
under the control of the Palestine Council of State,
and will have jurisdiction only within the Federation..
The area popularly referred to as Jerusalem will continue to function as a naturally
and unofficially organized cultural region of the Federation. Politically and administratively it will be
districted and governed indistinctly under law as portions of the whole of the Federation of Israel-Palestine.
Section III.
The Officers of the Transfer Agency will accomplish the following tasks by
stated dates as noted in the Memorandum of Process, but, where impossible of
achievement before the institution of the new government structure provided
by this Constitution, the responsibility for the completion of the tasks will be
an obligation for the government of the Federation of Israel-Palestine:
Conduct of elections for the Federal Commission, the State of Israel
and the State of Palestine
Vest all public lands and waters of Israel and Palestine in the
Federation of Israel-Palestine.
Publish a temporary list and map of districts throughout the
nation, into each of which 100,000 Palestinian refugees can be
accommodated, until a total of 3,000,000 accommodations are foreseen.
Arrange for the selection and admission and settlement of the first
600,000 within 8 months
Establish a central bank of the Federation with authorization to
borrow $100 billions for the development of the Federation in these
1. Provision of pure water for personal consumption equally to every
citizen of the Federation
2. Starting of infrastructure improvements throughout the Federation
3. Inauguration of a federal health service for all citizens of the
Federation on an equal basis
4. Establishment of a works agency that will provide employment to all who
seek it and provide subsistence to those who require it
5. Rehabilitation of existing residential and business structures and
construction of new homes and settlements with priorities for those
whose properties have been damaged in public disorders and for the returning refugees
6. Issueance of small business loans to persons of low income whose
occupational capital has been harmed in the recent public disorders and
others who qualify to undertake new businesses
7. Provision of schools and training of teachers for all persons,
beginning with the needs of the most deprived and proceeding as far as
funds allow
8. Establishment of public transportation services beginning with the
areas most deprived and continuing as far as funds allow
9. Compensation to all citizens whose property was destroyed or seized until Day 1 of this constitution
10. Compensation to all persons for every day spent in involuntary exile from May 1, 1948
Section IV.
With whatever help the existing laws can provide, the existing courts shall put
into effect immediately as the law of the Federation the Human Rights as
defined and elaborated by the World Court.
1. Men and women shall have equal rights in law.
2. All human rights as defined shall take precedence over any conflicting
sectarian demands within the Federation.
Any property and site deemed by two or more sects to be sacred to their
practice shall be vested in the Federation unless and until the sects concerned
shall agree to the terms of its divestiture.
No officer, candidate for office, or organ of the Federation may claim to represent
or speak in the name of a divinity, or give prefeential consideration to any group
or person of the Federation.
The Federation shall have the right to achieve a multi-media audience for
communication and entertainment of the same size as the combined audiences
of the States and independent producers.
The two major population components being of fairly equal numbers,
the Federation shall seek to maintain this equilibrium.
Section V.
This Constitution may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the Federal
Commission followed by the approval of two-thirds of the voters in a special
The Federation of Israel-Palestine, as a member of the world community of
nations, will seek to strengthen the institutions of world governance, until
peace, justice, prosperity, and the pursuit of happiness will be ensured for
every person in the world.