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Lectures to the Chinese by Alfred De Grazia

Book Note:
What Chinese Should Read About America

A few lucky Americans believe that everything worth reading is contained in the Bible; many others think that thousands of books and articles are needed. If I were your overseas uncle packing a satchel of books to bring you on America, I might include the following, admitting, of course, "each to his own satchel."

Starting with American government, Uncle might carry Howard Mehlinger and John Patrick, American Political Behavior (1972); Robert Dahl, Pluralist Democracy in the United States (1967); Charles Clapp, The Congressman: His Work as He Sees It (1963); George Reedy, The Presidency in Flux (1973); James Barber, The Presidential Character (1972); John Saloma and Frederick Sontag, Parties: The Real Opportunity for Effective Citizen Politics (1973); and Wayne Leys, Ethics for Policy Decisions (1952). Some of Alfred de Grazia's ideas are contained in Republic in Crisis (1965,1974) and Politics for Better or Worse (1973). His systematic Elements of Political Science (1952) may be easier for you to read in Korean

-- Political Behavior, or Vietnamese (Chinh Tri Hoc Yeu Lu'O'C). His programmatics are contained in Kalos: What Is to Be Done with Our World? (1973).

Harold Lasswell's fine works include Democratic Character and Power and Society (1950, with Abraham Kaplan). The same Kaplan wrote The Conduct of Inquiry (1964), which with Raymond Bauer's Social Indicators (1967) will bolster your knowledge of the American scientific approach to social affairs.

On American culture, Uncle might pack up Margaret Mead, Twentieth Century Faith (1972); Mary Parker Follett, Creative Experience (1924) and The New State (1918); Kenneth and Patricia Dolbeare, Readings in American Ideologies (1973); and Robin Williams, American Society (1969). Special insights into women's rights are captured by Betty Friedan, The Feminine Mystique (1970). Some of the interests of blacks are reflected in The Autobiography of Malcolm X (1965).

On education, the bag might contain John Dewey, Democracy and Education (1916, 1953), The School and Society (1911, 1953); Ivan Illich, Deschooling Society (1971); and Thomas Harris, I'm OK--You're OK (1969).

Economic and social organization find significant exposure in Adolf Berle, The American Economic Republic (1970); Ralph Lapp, The Weapons Culture (1969); Richard Falk, This Endangered Planet (1971); Barbara Ward Jackson, The Widening Gap: Development in the 70's (1970); Charles P. Kindlesberger, Power and Money (1971); George A Steiner, Business and Society (1971); and Jack N.Behrman, U.S. International Business and Governments (1971). Robert Townsend criticizes internal management in Up the Organization (1970), and Eric Hoffer analyzes The True Believer (1951) of social movements.

The disastrous course of world economics trends is graphically displayed in Donella Meadows' work, with others, called Limits of Growth (1972). Also, John McHale, The Future of the Future (1969), and Walter Rosenbaum, The Politics of Environmental Concern (1973). Robert Theobald discourses upon The Guaranteed Income (1970), Donald Michael upon The Unprepared Society (1968), and Kenneth Boulding upon The Meanings of the Twentieth Century (1964).

New techniques of stressed democracy are described in Gene Sharp, Exploring Nonviolent Alternatives (1972); William Myers and Park Rinard, Activism Work (1972); Ralph T. Templin, Democracy and Non-Violence (1965); Richard Cornuelle, Reclaiming the American Dream (1967); William Murphy and Edward Schneider, Vote Power: How to Work for the Person You Want Elected (1974).

Happily you need not import The Selected Works of Mao, published by the Foreign Languages Press of Peking, from which I have quoted. I would thank The Viking Press for permitting me to quote from the classic authors contained in Sebastian de Grazia's Masters of Chinese Political Thought: From the Beginnings to the Han Dynasty (1973).

Your overseas uncle could carry all of these books within his airplane luggage allowance, leaving him enough of an allowance for one suit from Hongkong, one Japanese transistor radio, one pair of Italian shoes, three bolts of Thai silk, and one Swiss watch. Nothing from America?.... American affiliates may have made the articles.


Ch 5. Dividing the Soul Against Itself

1 Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Work in America (1972)

2. Four Essays on China and World Communism (New York: Lancer Books, 1972), p. 124.

Ch 6. Setting One Above Another

1 Power Without Property (New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1959), p. 68.

2 H.D.Shapiro,"Alexei Kosygin Has a Friend at Chase Manhattan,"New York Times Magazine, February 24, 1974, p. 11.


Ch 3. Solving Problems

1 Four Essays on China and World Communism (New York: Lancer Books, 1972), pp. 113-20.

1 John W. Sewall, Christian Science Monitor, March 20, 1974, p.1.

8. Ruling Well

1 Mao Tse-tung, Poems, Willis Barnstone, ed. and trans. (New York: Harper & Row, 1972).

End of Book


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