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Alfred de Grazia:

PUBLIC & REPUBLIC : Political Representation in America



This book is set on the Linotype in GRANJON, a type named in compliment to ROBERT GRANJON, but neither a copy of a classic face nor an entirely original creation. The design is based upon the type used by CLAUDE GARAMOND (1510-61) in his beautiful French books, and more closely resembles Garamond's own than do any of the various types that bear his name.

Robert Granjon began his career as type-cuter in 1523. The boldest and most original designer of his time, he was one of the first to practice the trade of type-founder apart from that of printer. Between 1557 and 1562 Granjon printed about twenty books in types designed by himself, following after the fashion of the day, the cursive handwriting of the time. These types, usually known as "caractères de civilité," he himself called "lettres françaises," as especially appropriate to his own country.

This book was composed, printed, and bound by KINGSPORT PRESS, INC., Kingsport, Tenn.

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