Table of Contents




Constitutional Principles

The four main structural forms of representative governments should correspond to essential principles of constitutionalism.


1. All five structural forms (regional, ethnic-national, metropolitan, functional, and world) need to provide for free expression among its constitutents, both individual and group.

2. Their units on various levels should be decentralized; autonomy should be stressed.

3. Their laws should be explicitly justified by reference to their constitutions.

4. Conflicts of jurisdiction on all levels should be arbitrated quickly by groups composed of delegates of the units and delegates of the next superior assembly.

5. Deficiencies or violations of constitutional principles in units or sub-units of government should be corrected by appeal of abused parties to the next most general level of their organization, ending in determination by world regional assemblies or the supreme Assembly.

6. In each geographic or functional unit where an elected assembly does not directly rule, but where administrators govern, a countervalor, delegated by the assembly, should continuously and professionally act the role of a "devil's advocate," criticizing thoroughly and reporting publicly upon the negative side of what is being accomplished.

7. All matters are "public" that substantially affect the lives and welfare of the members of a structural unit and of their clienteles outside. The land beneath the surface, the seas, and the air are public and cosmarchic.

8. But while much is public, much need not be done by government. It is imperative that pulling together the world be counterbalanced by pushing outward new orientations, new initiatives, and new management powers to the furthest reaches of human organization. Ultimately, for every new item of official activity, an old equal item should be de-officialized or privatized.

9. Governmental branches of the great cosmarchy should legislate, represent, express, tax, stress, support, inspire, regulate, adjudicate, penalize and criticize. To a degree never before realized, public activities and their management should be contracted out, or organized outside the strict frameworks of government.

10. The recent sharp expansion in accounting, electronic communicating and supervisory machinery, whether, for instance, in human supervisory form such as surveys or in mechanical forms such as computers, permits and invites the extensive distribution of autonomous powers, both geographically and functionally.


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