The bibliography which follows is presented in two parts. The first part encompasses general works dealing with political leadership and many related aspects. The second part deals with biographical directories and dictionaries, organized on an area basis.
No attempt at completeness has been made but it is believed that most of the important works in the field are included.
The first part of the bibliography is followed by a section of cross-references which attempts to bring together all works dealing with a particular aspect of political leadership, as indicated by the section headings. These section headings also correspond to those used in the manual entitled "Elite Target Analysis".
A number of items in the first section of the Bibliography are borrowed from the bibliography contained in Lasswell H.D., Lerner D., and Rothwell C.E., The Comparative Study of Elites, Stanford, California: Stanford University Press, 1952. The second section is most completely taken from the same source. It has been brought up to date with the kind assistance of the Reference Staff of the Hoover Institute and Library on War, Revolution and Peace, Stanford University, Stanford, California.