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Alfred de Grazia: Discovering National Elites







The bibliography which follows is presented in two parts. The first part encompasses general works dealing with political leadership and many related aspects. The second part deals with biographical directories and dictionaries, organized on an area basis.

No attempt at completeness has been made but it is believed that most of the important works in the field are included.

The first part of the bibliography is followed by a section of cross-references which attempts to bring together all works dealing with a particular aspect of political leadership, as indicated by the section headings. These section headings also correspond to those used in the manual entitled "Elite Target Analysis".

A number of items in the first section of the Bibliography are borrowed from the bibliography contained in Lasswell H.D., Lerner D., and Rothwell C.E., The Comparative Study of Elites, Stanford, California: Stanford University Press, 1952. The second section is most completely taken from the same source. It has been brought up to date with the kind assistance of the Reference Staff of the Hoover Institute and Library on War, Revolution and Peace, Stanford University, Stanford, California.


  1. Abel, Theodore F. Why Hitler Came into Power, New York, Prentice-Hall, 1938

  2. Abrams, R.H. Preachers Present Arms; A Study of the War-time Attitudes and Activities of the Churches and the Clergy in the United States, 1914-1918, Ph.D. thesis, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, 1933.

  3. Adams, Brooks. The Theory of Social Revolutions, New York: The Macmillan Company, 1913.

  4. Adorno, T.W. "Democratic Leadership and Mass Manipulation" in Gouldner, Alvin W., ed., Studies in Leadership, New York: Harper & Bros. 1950. 418-438.

  5. Alexander, John W. and Berger, Monroe, "Grass-Roots Labor Leader", in Gouldner, Alvin W., ed., Studies in Leadership, New York : Harper & Bros. 1950, 174-186.

  6. Allen, Frederic Lewis. The Lords of Creation, New York: Harper & Bros., 1935.

  7. Allen, Robert Sharon, ed. Our Fair City, New York: The Vanguard Press, 1947.

  8. _________, ed. Our Sovereign State, New York : Vanguard Press, 1949.

  9. Allix, Edgard. "La rivalit é entre la propri é t é foncière la fortune mobilière sous la revolutions," VI Revue d’histoire economique et sociale (1913), 297.

  10. Almond, Gabriel. The American People and Foreign Policy, New Haven, Yale University press, 1950.

  11. __________. "The Political Attitudes of Wealth," 7 Journal of Politics (1945), 213-255.

  12. Alsop, Joseph, and Kintner, Robert. Men Around the President, New York : Doubleday & Company, Inc., 1939.

  13. Altman, Jack. "C.I.O. and Political Discipline, "Labor and Nation (May-June, 1948).

  14. Anderson, H.O. "The Educational and Occupational Attainments of Our National Rulers," XL Scientific Monthly (1935), 511-518.

  15. Angell, N. The Press and the Organization of Society, London: The Labour Publishing Co. Ltd., 1922.

  16. Appleby, Paul. Policy and Administration, University of Alabama, 1949.

  17. Arnade, K.C. "Technique of Coup d’ é tat in Latin America," United Nations World (February, 1950), 21-25.

  18. Arnett, C.E. Social Beliefs and Attitudes of American School Board Members, Emporia, Kansas : Emporia Gazette Press, 1932.

  19. Aron, Raymond. "Social Structure and the Ruling Class," I British Journal of Sociology (1950), 126.

  20. Ascoli, Max. "The Roman Church and Political Action," Foreign Affairs (April, 1935)

  21. Axelrod, M., & Freedman, R. "Who Joins What in the Metropolis?" I Adult Leadership (November, 1952).

  22. Bailey, Stephen K., & Samuel, Howard D. Congress At Work. New York : Holt, 1952.

  23. Bailey. Stephen K. Congress Makes a law; the Story Behind the Employment Act of 1946, New York: Columbia University Press 1950.

  24. Baker, Gladys. The County Agent, Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 1939.

  25. Baltzell, E. Digby. "Who’s Who in America" and "The Social Register," Elite and Upper Class Indexes in Metropolitan America," in Bendix, Reinhard & Lipset, Seymour Martin, eds., Class Status and Power, Glencoe, Illinois : The Free Press, 1953, 172-185.

  26. Barker, Bernard. "Participation and Mass Apathy in Association," in Gouldner, Alvin W., ed., Studies in Leadership, New York : Harper & Bros., 1950, 477-504.

  27. Barbusse, H. Stalin; A New World Seen Through One Man, translated by Vyvyan Holland, New York: International Publishers, 1935.

  28. Barlow, Ruel R. "French and British Schools of Journalism : A Comparative Analysis," XII Journalism Quarterly (1936), 157-169.

  29. Barnard, C.I. The Functions of the Executive, Cambridge : Harvard University, 1938.

  30. _________. "The Nature of Leadership." in Hoslett, Schuyler Dean, ed., Human Factors in Management, Parkville, Missouri; Park College Press. 1946, 13-38.

  31. Barrett, Edward W. Truth is Our Weapon, New York : Funk & Wagnalls, 1953.

  32. Barth é lemy, Joseph. Le R ô le Du Pouvoir Executif dans les R é publiques moderns, Paris: Giard et Briere, 1906.

  33. Bavelas, Alex. "Morale and the Training of Leaders," in Watson G., ed., Civilian Morale, Boston : Houghton Miflin, 1942, 143-165.

  34. Beard, Charles Austin. An Economic Interpretation of the Constitution of the United States, New York : The MacMillan Co., 1913.

  35. Beard, Miriam, A History of the Business man, New York : The MacMillan Company, 1938.

  36. Beaverbrook, William Maxwell Aitken, Baron. Politicians and the Press, London : Hutchinson & Co. Ltd., 1925.

  37. Beck, Hupert P. Men Who Control Our Universities, New York: King’s Crown Press, 1947.

  38. Becker, H. "Changes in the Social Stratification of Contemporary Germany," XV American Sociological Review (1950), 333-42.

  39. Beecher, J. "Who’s Behind the Farm Bureau?" New Republic (June 28, 1943)

  40. Bell, Daniel. "Notes on Authoritarian and Democratic Leadership," in Gouldner, Alvin W., ed., Studies in Leadership, New York : Harper & Bros., 1950, 395-408.

  41. _________. "Selection of Leaders in a Democracy," Commentary (April, 1948).

  42. Benda, Julien. The Great Betrayal, translated by Richard Aldington, London : George Routledge & Sons Ltd., 1928.

  43. Bendix, Reinhard. Higher Civil Servants in American Society, Boulder: University of Colorado Press, 1949.

  44. __________, "Social Stratification and Political Power, "XLVI American Political Science Review, 1952, 357-375.

  45. Bent, Silas. Newspaper Crusaders : A Neglected Story, New York : Mcgraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., 1939.

  46. Bentham, J "Essay on Political Tactics," in Vol. II, part 2, The Works of Jeremy Bentham, Edinburgh : W. Tait, 1938-43.

  47. Berdahl, Clarence A. "Party Membership in the U.S." 36, nos.1-2 American Political Science Review (February, April, 1942) 16-50, 241-252.

  48. Bereda, Fijalkowski. "The Education of Prominent Men," II,No.4, Pilot Papers, (1947).

  49. Berelson, Bernard. Content Analysis in Communication Research, Glencoe, Illinois : The Free Press.

  50. Berle, Adolf A., Jr., & Means, Gardiner C. The Modern Corporation and Private Property, New York : The Macmillan Company, 1933.

  51. Bernard, J. "Political Leadership Among North American Indians," XXXIV American Journal of Sociology (September, 1928) 296-315.

  52. Bernstein, Irving. "John L. Lewis & The Voting Behavior of the C.I.O," 5 Public Opinion Quarterly (1941), 233-249.

  53. Berth, Edouard. Les M é faits des Intellectuels, Paris : 1926.

  54. Beth, Marian W. "The Elite and the Elites," XLVII American Journal of Sociology (1941-1942), 746-755.

  55. Beinstock, Gregory, Schwarz, Solomon M.; Yugow, Aeron, Management in Russian Industry and Agriculture, London : Oxford University Press, 1944.

  56. Bierstedt, R. "An Analysis of Social Power," XV American Sociological Review (1950), 730-738.

  57. Binkley, Wilfred E. "The Party of Business, "Fortune (January, 1949).

  58. Blaha, In. Arnost. Sociologie Inteligence. (Sociology of the Intelligentsia) Prague : 1937.

  59. Blaisdell, Donald Christy. Economic Power and Political Pressures, Washington : U.S. Government Printing Office, 1941.

  60. Blakely, Robert J. "The Responsibilities of an Editor," Communications in Modern Society, 220-238.

  61. Blanshard, P. How to Run a Union Meeting, New York City : Workers’ Education Bureau of America, 1923.

  62. Boll, Marcel. L’Elite de Demain; pour une cuture objective au service des hommes, Paris : Colmann-Levy, 1946.

  63. Bonnett, Clarence E. Employers Associations in the United States, New York : The Macmillan Co., 1922.

  64. _________. "The evolution of American Business Groupings," 179 Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social sciences (May, 1935) 1-8.

  65. Borgese, Giuseppe. Goliath; the March of fascism, New York: The Viking Press, 1938.

  66. Bourgin, Frank P. Personnel of the American Senate, unpublished M.A. thesis, Claremont College, 1933.

  67. Bowden, A.D., Caldwell, F.F., & West, G.A. "A study in Prestige," XL American Journal of Sociology (1934-35), 193-203.

  68. Bowman, Claude Charlton. The College Professor in America : An Analysis of Articles Published in the General Magazines, 1890-1938, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania : Central Publishing Company, 1938.

  69. Bowerman, Walter G. Studies in Genius, New York; Philosophical Library, 1947.

  70. Brady, Robert A. Business as a System of Power, New York : Columbia University Press, 1943.

  71. Bramstedt, E.K. Dictatorship and Political Police, London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Company, 1945.

  72. Brecht, Arnold. "Constitution and Leadership," I Social Research (1934), 265.

  73. _____________. "Federation and Business Regulation," II Social Research (1935), 352.

  74. Brimhall, D. R. "Family Resemblances Among American Men of Science," LVI American Naturalist (1922), 509-547; and LVII (1923), 74-88, 137-152, 326-344.

  75. Brockway, Marian L. A Study of the Geographical, Occupational and Political Characteristics of Congressmen. 1800-1919. unpublished M.A. thesis, University of Kansas, 1938.

  76. Brooks, Robert Romano Ravi. When Labor Organizes, New Haven: Yale University Press, 1937.

  77. Brownlow, Louis. The President and the Presidency, Chicago: Public Administration Service, 1949.
  78. Brown, R.R. "Psychology of a Reprimand," XXIII Personnel Journal (1945), 261-264.

  79. Bruner, Jerome S. and Korchin, Sheldon J. "The Boss and the Vote: A Case Study in City Politics," in Katz, Daniel, et al, eds., Public Opinion and Propaganda, New York : The Dryden Press, 1954.

  80. Buck, Philip. The Politics of Mercantilism, New York : Henry Holt & Co., 1942.

  81. Bulmore-Thomas, I. "How Conservative Policy is Formed," Political Quarterly (April-June,1953).

  82. Burnham, James. The Machiavellians : Defenders of Freedom, New York, The John Day Company, 1943.

  83. ___________.The Managerial Revolution : What is Happening in the World, New York : The John Day Company, 1941.

  84. Bush, Chilton R, and Bullock, R.K. "Names in the News : A study of two Dailies," 29 Journalism Quarterly (Spring, 1952), 148-157.

  85. Bushnell, C. J. "Invisible Government and Democracy in the United States today," III American Sociological Review, (1938), 812-825.

  86. Bychowski, Gustav. Dictators and Disciples from Ceasar to Stalin, New York : International Universities Press, 1948.

  87. Caldwell, O., and Wellman, B. " Characteristics of School Leaders," XIV Journal of Educational Research (1926),1-13.

  88. Cam, Helen, "The Legislators of Medieval England," Proceeding of the British Academy (1945), 127.

  89. Campbell, A. Angus & Katona, George. "The Sample Survey: A Technical for Social Science Research," in Festinger, Leon and Katz, Daniel, eds., Research Methods in the Behavioral Sciences, New York : The Dryden Press, 1953.

  90. Campbell, Persia Crawford. Consumer Representation in the New Deal, New York : Columbia University Press, 1940. London : P.S. King & Son Ltd., 1940.

  91. Cantril, Hadley. The Psychology of Social Movements, New York : John Wiley & Sons, 1941.

  92. Carlson, H.B. & Harrel, W. "An Analysis of Life’s Ablest Congressman Poll," 15 Journal of Social Psychology (1942), 153-158.

  93. Carman, Harry J.& Luthin, Reinhard H. Lincoln and the Patronage, New York : Columbia University Press, 1943.

  94. Carr-Saunders, A.M., and Wilson, P.A. The Professions, New York : Oxford University Press, 1933.

  95. Carter, Launor; Haythorn, William; Shriver, Beatrice; Lanzetta, John. "The Behavior of Leaders and Other Group Members," in Cartwright, Dorwin & Zander, Alvin, eds., Group Dynamics, Evanston and White Plains : Row-Peterson and Company, 1953.

  96. Carter, L.F.; Haythorn, W; & Howell, M.A "Further Investigation of the Criterial of Leadership," Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology (1950), 45, 350-358.

  97. Cartwright, Dorwin P. "Analysis of Qualitative Material," in Festinger, Leon & Katz, Daniel, eds., Research Methods in the Behavioral Sciences, New York : The Dryden Press, 1933, 421-470.

  98. Cartwright, Dorwin P. & Zander, Alvin, eds. "Leadership : Introduction" in Group Dynamics, Evanston and White Plains : Row-Peterson & Company, 1953, 535-550.

  99. Casey, Ralph D. "Pressure Groups in the Press, in Meier, Norman E, & Saunders, Harold W., The Polls and Public Opinion, New York : Holt, 1949, 124-140.

  100. Casey, Robert S., & Perry, James W. Punched Cards: Their Applications to Science and Industry, New York : Reinhold Publishing Co., 1951.

  101. Catton, William R., Jr. "Exploring Techniques for Measuring Human Values," 19 American sociological Review (1954) 49-55.

  102. Chafee, Zachariah. Government and Mass Communications, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1947.

  103. Chamberlain, John. "The Businessman in Fiction," XXXVII, No. 5, Fortune (November, 1948).

  104. Chapin, F. Stuart. "‘Mass’ versus ‘Leadership’ Opinion on Wartime Rationing," XI Public Opinion Quarterly (1947-1948), 581-585.

  105. Chapman, S.J., and Marquis, F.J. "The Recruiting of the Employing Classes from the Ranks of the Wage Earners in the cotton Industry," LXXV Journal of the Royal Statistical Society (1912), 293-313.

  106. Chapple, E.D., and Donald, G., Jr. "A Method of Evaluating Supervisory Personnel," 24 Harvard Business Review (1946) 197-214.

  107. Chase, Stuart. Roads to Agreement: Successful Methods in the Science of Human Relations, New York : Harper, 1951.

  108. Chinoy, Eli, "Local Union Leadership," in Gouldner, Alvin, W., ed., Studies in Leadership, New York : Harper and Bros., 1950.

  109. Clark, L.P. "Unconscious Motives Underlying the Personalities of Great Statesmen and their Relation to Epoch Making Events," VIII Psychoanalytical Review (1921), 1-21; IX ibid (1922), 367-401; X ibid (1923), 56-69.

  110. Clarke, E.L. "The Recruitment of the Nation’s Leaders. Part I : Historical : A Study of Motives, Part II: The Way to the University," XXVII Sociological Review (1936), 246-266, 333-360.

  111. Cleeton, Glen U., and Mason, Charles W. Executive Ability : Its Discovery and Development, Yellow Springs, Ohio : Antioch Press, 1946.

  112. Cleveland, Alfred S. "N.A.M.: Spokesman for Industry?" 26 Harvard Business Review, No.3 (May, 1948) 353-371.

  113. _________. Some Political Aspects of Organized Industry, unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Harvard University, 1946.

  114. Cole, Taylor, "Italy’s Fascist Bureaucracy," 32 American Political Science Review (1938) 194-209.

  115. Commission on Freedom of the Press, A Free and Responsible Press, Chicago, Illinois : The University of Chicago Press, 1947.

  116. Cooley, Charles Horton. "Genius, Fame and the Comparison of the Races," IX Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Sciences, 1847, No.3, 317-358.

  117. Corson, J.J. "Weak Links in the Chain of Command," IX Public Opinion Quarterly (1945), 346-349.

  118. Counts, G.S. The Social Composition of Boards of Education, Chicago, Illinois : University of Chicago, 1927.

  119. Cowley, W. H. "The Traits of Face-to-Face Leaders," XXVI Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology (1931), 304- 313.

  120. Cox, Oliver C. "Leadership Among Negroes in the United States," in Gouldner, Alvin W., ed., Studies in Leadership, New York : Harper and Bros., 1950.

  121. Coyle, Grace L Social Process in Organized Groups, New York: Richard R. Smith, Inc., 1930.

  122. Creel, George., How We Advertised America, New York and London: Harper and Bros., 1920.

  123. Crider, John H. The Bureaucrat, Philadelphia : J.B. Lippincott Company, 1944.

  124. Croly, Herbert David. Marcus Alonzo Hanna: His Life and Work, New York : The Macmillan Company, 1912.

  125. Crook, Wilfrid. The General Strike, Chapel Hill, North Carolina : The University of North Carolina Press, 1931.

  126. Curti, M.E. The Social Ideas of American Educators: Report of the Commission on the Social Studies, Part X, New York : Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York, 1935.

  127. Dale, Harold Edward. The Higher Civil Service of Great Britain, New York : Oxford University Press, 1941.

  128. Davidson, Philip Grant, Jr. Propaganda and the American Revolution 1763-83, Chapel Hill, North Carolina: The University of North Carolina Press, 1941.

  129. Davis, Allison; Gardner, Burleigh B; and Gardner, Mary R. Deep South : A Social Anthropological Study of caste and class. Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 1941.

  130. Devis, Jorome. "The Social Action Pattern of the Protestant Religious Leader," I American Sociological Review (1936) 105-114.

  131. __________. "A Study of 163 Outstanding Communist Leaders," XXIV Studies in Quantitative and Cultural Sociology (1929), 42-55.

  132. Delaisi, Francis. La Democratie et les Financiers, Paris : Guerre Sociale, 1910.

  133. Demeter, Karl. Das Deutsche Heer und Seine Offiziere, Berlin : 1935. Previously published under the title, Das deutsche Offizierskorps in seinen historisch sociologische Grundlagen, Berlin : 1930.

  134. Dennery, Etienne, "Democracy and the French Army," 5 Military Affairs (1941), 233.

  135. Dennett, Tyler. Roosevelt and the Russo-Japanese War, Garden City, New York : Doubleday, Page and Company, 1925.

  136. Deutscher, Isaac. Stalin:- A Political Biography," London, New York : Oxford University Press, 1949.

  137. Dewey, John. The Public and Its Problems, Chicago: Gateway Books, 1946.

  138. _________. The School and Society Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 1899.

  139. Dexter, Lewis A. "Some Strategic Considerations in Innovating Leadership," in Gouldner, Alvin W., ed., Studies in Leadership, New York: Harper and Bros., 1950.

  140. Dimock, Marshall E., and Hyde, Howard K. Bureaucracy and Trusteeship in Large Corporations, Washington, D.C. : Temporary National Economic Committee, 1940.

  141. Dimock, Marshall Edward. Executive in Action, Harper and Bros., New York : (1945)

  142. Dobbs, Archibald Edward. Education and Social Movements, 1700-1850, London, New York : Longmans, Green and Company, 1919.

  143. Doblin, Ernest M., and Pohler, Claire. "Social Composition of the Nazi Leadership," 51 American Journal of Sociology (1945) , 42-49.

  144. Dollard, John. Caste and Class in A Southern Town, New Haven, Connecticut : Institute of Human Relations, Yale University Press, 1937.

  145. ________. Criteria for the life history with analyses of notable documents, New Haven, Connecticut : Yale University Press , 1935.

  146. Dombrowski, Eric. German Leaders of Yesterday and Today, New York, London : D. Appleton and company, 1920.

  147. Donovan, Frances R. The Schoolma’am, New York : Stokes, 1942.

  148. Doob, Leonard W. "Propagandists vs. Propagandees," in Gouldner, Alvin W., ed., Studies in Leadership, New York : Harper and Bros., 1950, 439-458.

  149. 149.Dulles, Allen W. Germany’s Underground, New York : Macmillan, 1947.

  150. Durham, G. Homer. "Administrative Organization of the Mormon Church," LVII Political Science Quarterly (Summer, 1945), 51-71.

  151. Dutch, Oswald. Hitler’s 12 Apostles, New York : R.M. McBride and Company, 1940.

  152. Dutton, William Sherman. Du Pont: One Hundred and Forty Years, New York : Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1942.

  153. Ebersole, L.E. Church Lobbying in the Nation’s Capital, New York : Macmillan, 1951.

  154. 154. Edinger, Lewis J. "German Social Democracy and Hitler’s ‘National Revolution’ of 1933 : A Study in Democratic Leadership," V. World Politics, No.3 (April, 1953), 330-367.

  155. Ehle, Emily L. "Techniques for the Study of Leadership," 13 Public Opinion Quarterly, (1949), 235-240.

  156. Elmer, M.C. "The Evaluation and Scoring of Community Activities," XXX American Journal of Sociology, (September, 1924), 172-176.

  157. Embree, John F. "Japanese Administration at the Local Level," III Applied Anthropology (September, 1944), 11-18.

  158. Endres, F.C. "Soziologische Struktur und ihr Entsprechende Ideologier des deutschen Offizierskorps vor dem Weltkrieg," LVII Archiv fuer Sozialwissenschaft und Sozial politik (1927), 282-319.

  159. England, Leonard. "Personal impact of British M.P.’s on their constituencies," International Journal of Opinion and Attitude Research (Summer, 1950).

  160. Erasmus, C.J. "The leader vs. Tradition : A Case Study," 54 American Anthropologist (1952), 168-178.

  161. Erasmus, Desiderius. The education of a Christian Prince, New York : Columbia University Press, 1936.

  162. Essary, J. Frederick. "President, Congress, and the Press Correspondents," 22 American Political science Review, (1928), 902-909.

  163. European Affairs Division of the Library of Congress. The European Press Today, Washington, D.C. : The Library of Congress, Reference Department, August, 1949.

  164. _______.The European Press Today : United Kingdom, Washington, D.C. : The Library of Congress, Reference Department, December, 1952.

  165. Ewing, Cortez, A.M. The Judges of the Supreme Court, 1789-1937: A study of their Qualifications, Minneapolis, Minnesota: The University of Minnesota Press, 1953.

  166. Eberhard, Wolfram. Conquerors and Rulers, Leiden : E.J. Brill, 1952.

  167. Fainsod, Merle. How Russia is Ruled, Cambridge : Harvard University Press, 1953.

  168. Fairchild, M. "Social-Economic classes in Soviet Russia," IX American Sociological Review (1944), 236-241.

  169. Farley, J. Behind the Ballots: the Personal History of a Politician, New York : Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1938.

  170. Farrand, Max. "Compromises of the Constitution," I Annual Rept. of the American History Association (1903), 71.

  171. Fei Hsaio - t’ung. "Peasantry and Gentry," LII American Journal of Sociology (1946) .

  172. Fenichel, O. "The Drive to A Mass Wealth," 7 Psychoanalytic Quarterly (1938).

  173. Ferguson, Charles W. Fifty Million Brothers : A panorama of American Lodges and Clubs, New York, Toronto : Farrar and Rinehart, Inc. (1937).

  174. Fener, Lewis S. "Leadership and Democracy in the Collective Settlements of Israel," in Gouldner, Alvin W., ed., Studies in Leadership, New York : Harper and Bros., 1950, 363-385.

  175. Fick, Heinz E. Der Deutsche Militarismus der vorkriegzeit : Ein Beitrag zur Soziologie des Militarismus, Potsdam : 1932.

  176. Fischer, John. "Unwritten rules of American Politics," Harper’s Magazine (November, 1948), 27-36.

  177. Floud, Jean. "Education and Social Mobility," Year Book of Education 1950, London: Evans Brothers, 1950.

  178. Flynn, Edward J. You’re the Boss, New York : Viking Press, 1947.

  179. Follett, Mary Parker. The Speaker of the House of Representatives, New York : Longmans, Green and Co., 1896.

  180. Foreign Policy Reports. "The Army Challenge in South America," Vol. 25, No. 14 (December 1, 1949) .

  181. Form, W.H. "Status Stratification in a Planned Community, "X American Sociological Review (1945), 605-613.

  182. Fortes, M. and Evans-Pritchard, E. E. African Political Systems, London : 1950.

  183. Forthal, Sonya. Cogwheels of democracy : A Study of the Precinct Captain, New York : The William-Frederick Press, 1945.

  184. __________. The small Fry and the Party Purse," 34 American Political Science Review (1940), 66-76.

  185. Fortune (February, 1940), "The Thirty Thousand Managers."

  186. Fosdick, Raymond B. American Police Systems. New York : The Century Co., 1920.

  187. ___________. European Police Systems. New York : The Century Co., 1915.

  188. Fowler, Dorothy. The Cabinet Politician: The Postmasters-General, 1829-1909. New York : Columbia University Press, New York, 1943.

  189. Fox, D. R. The Decline of Aristocracy in the Politics of New York, New York : Columbia University, Longmans, Green and Co., 1919.

  190. Francis, Beatrice and Pollard, Robert. Democracy and the Quaker Method, London : Bannisdale Press, 1949.

  191. Frank, J.O. "Some Psychological Determinants of the Level of Aspiration," 47 American Journal of Psychology, (1935).

  192. Frankfurter, Felix and Greene, Nathan. The Labor Inujunction. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1930.

  193. Freedman, Ronald and Axelrod, Morris. "Who Belongs to What in a Great Metropolis," I. Adult Leadership (November, 1952), 6-10.

  194. French, R.L. and Bell, B. "Consistency of Individual Leadership Position in Small Groups of Varying Membership," Journal of abnormal and Social Psychology (1950), 45, 764-767.

  195. French, R.L. "Morale and Leadership," Human Factors in Undersea Warfare, Washington : National Research Council, 1949.

  196. Frenkel-Brunswick; Else; Levinson, D .J ; Sanford, N.N. "The Anti-Democratic Personality," in Newromt, T.M. and Hartley, E.L., eds. Readings in Social Psychology, New York : Henry Holt, 1947.

  197. Fried, Morton H. "Military Status in Chinese Society," LVII American Journal of Sociology (1952), 347-357.

  198. Fromm, Erich. Escape from Freedom, New York : Farrar and Rinehart, Inc., 1941.

  199. Fuelop-Miller, Ren é . Leaders, dreamers, and Rebels : An Account of the Great Mass Movements of History and the Wish-dreams that Inspired them., translated by Eden and Cedar Paul, New York: The Viking Press, 1935.

  200. Fuller, John Frederick Charles, Generalship : its Diseases and their Cure : A Study of the Personal Factor in Command, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania : Military Service Publishing Company, 1936.

  201. Gablentz, O. H. von der. "Industriebureaukratie," La Sehmollers Jahrbuch (1926), 539-572.

  202. Caltier-boissi è re, Jean. Les myst è res de la police secr è te. 2 vols. Paris : 1946.

  203. Golzio, Silvio; Sega, Carlo; Nivia, Guiseppe; and Montanari, Fausto, "Le Professioni, Oggi, (A Symposium on the Professional Classes)," Studium (July-August, 1951) .

  204. Garceau, Oliver. "Can little business organize?" 2 Public Opinion Quarterly, no.2 (summer, 1938) 469-473.

  205. ___________. "Organized medicine enforces its party line," Public Opinion Quarterly (September, 1940)

  206. ___________. The Political Life of the American Medical Association. Cambridge, Massachusetts : Harvard University Press, 1941.

  207. __________. The Public Library in the Political Process, New York : Columbia, 1949.

  208. Gauer, Harold, How to Win in Politics. Boston : B. Humphries, 1947.

  209. Gaus, John. Great Britain: A Study of Civic Loyalty. Chicago Illinois: The University of Chicago Press, 1929.

  210. Geiger, T. "An Historical Study of the Origins and Structure of the Danish Intelligentsia," I, British Journal of Sociology, No.3, (September, 1950), 209-220.

  211. _________. "Fuhrung," Handw ö rterbuch der Soziologia, Stuttgart, 1931, 136-141.

  212. Georgi, Elsbeth. Theorie und Praxis des Generalstreiks in der modernen Arbeiterbewegung, Jena, 1908 .

  213. Gerth, Hans H. and Mills, C. Wright, eds. From Max Weber : Essays in Sociology, New York : Oxford University Press, 1946.

  214. Gerth, Hans H. "The Nazi Party : Its Leadership and Composition," 45 American Journal of Sociology (1940), 517.

  215. Gibb, C.A. The Emergence of Leadership in small Temporary Groups of Men, University of Illinois : unpublished doctoral dissertation, 1949.

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