Man sets for himself ever more daring tasks. He hopes to create primitive life forms; he hopes to land on Mars; he hopes to dwell in Antarctica; he hopes to eradicate cancers; he hopes to make computers do much of his routine thinking; these hopes and many more, are indeed partially fulfilled. But the most engrossing task is yet to come. That is world revolution. By "world revolution" we mean a massive beneficial social change around the world in one generation. Such a revolution is nothing else but the imparting of decent order to the present chaos. Thoughts of the greatest changes should not frighten and freeze mankind. Unmotivated, uncontrolled, and unguided, still man is already changing greatly. All things are in flux, said Thales in the ancient beginnings of philosophy; all things are in flux, because all things are full of gods.

Over a forty year period Alfred de Grazia has been actively engaged in furthering world government according to a set of principles and system that he created.

The Grazian Archive now contains the following works on this topic.

Others will be forthcoming.


In our opinion, the Israel-Palestine crisis has entered a new, more acute phase. It is a time for strong measures, and that is why we are placing here a newly drawn-up Constitution for the Federation of Israel-Palestine, a plan of action, and a process for bringing into being the new Federation and its activities. We envision, coming out of our idea of Israel-Palestine, a nation whose Palestinians will leap to the head of the Islamic world and modernize it, and whose Israelis, comfortable at home, will take a leading role in bringing the world into a union with a universal feeling for humanity and a care for all.


A contribution of the Kalos movement to the plans for reforming the powers, structure, and conduct of the UN and other global institutions.


What is to be Done with Our World? A grand sweeping treatise on the nations of the world, the possibilities inherent in them to join up and obey the necessities of world union, and the structure that would allow them to do so, together with a manual of revolutionary methods.

Where do we go from here
The KALOTIC Strategy for World Survival

Behind a wall of bulletins prefiguring world economic collapse, the future is forming uncertainly. Its vagueness does not come from our ignorance of economic trends; we know about the disastrous course that poverty, population, and production are taking. The great mystery is political. What power, what organization will be conferred upon this emerging future? What politics, dominating the next generation, will dominate the subsequent millennium?


The problems of older cities in America are many and grave . The establishment of new cities, in consequence, has not received much attention. Apart hom a few general recommendations . including a report that urged the construction of over one hundred of them, little has been done to bring forward plans . costs, and arguments for cities of a half-million or more residents. At this moment it would appear that the bicentennial celebration of the Declaration of Independence will suffer from a shortage of immediate events to celebrate, and it seems to this writer that the achievement of a new metropolis by 1976 would contribute substantially to this end . I have therefar set down here some notes on a research, design, and teaching program to produce the intellectual cadre for Metropolis 1976 . Assuming success in these efforts, I am suggesting how a group of independent and commercial sector leaders can take
over and build upon the plan .

KALOTICS: 40 Stases and Theses

Kalotics and World Relations.

Contains the 40 stases and theses of global bads and goods, with accompanying gorgeous paintings by Licia Filingeri, and the Vienna and Leningrad Kalotic manifestos.


A brilliant and highly readable report on the disaster from a pesticide factory explosion of Union Carbide Corporation of India that killed thousands and disabled over 100,000 persons, the worst industrial accident in history. An innovative accounting system and method of reparations are set forth and influenced jurisprudence in the case, but the ultimate compensation bogged down in bottom-line ideology and bureaucracy.