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April 1, 1967

The Communoids = Communists, Socialists, Tertullians, Parasites (egotists) - atavists

Where have the communists gone? No longer is there an active communist party with an identifiable front following. The traditional economic doctrines and political slogans of international communism are dead. The recognizable face symbols are gone for the most part. Hence there is a great milling about: where is the enemy?

New criteria have to be set up for the enemy within and without the country.

1. Basic psychological hostility to America, as a society and an image.

1a. Support for any adverse criticism of the country and its policies whether founded upon evidence of not, especially in support of any hostile allegations of fact, guilt, excesses, practices, morality that emanate from communist countries, directly or through the U.N.

1b. Use of a double standard of morality in describing and evaluation of U.S.A. governmental, group, and personal acts in comparison with actions of U. S. opponents.

1c. Excessive and one-sided interest in the principle of self-determination for peoples and states hostile to the U.S.A.; lack of concern for the opposite.

1d. Encouragement of all forms of civil disobedience, black power, and anti-authoritarianism. (But this sentiment is fed also by the Tertullian position.)

2. Programmatics are not prominent as they were in the 30's. Therefore difficult to distinguish. Tearing down and negativism vs. government, yes, but shared by Tertullians. Distinct from Tertullians in attitude to statism, where they are pro-statism.

2a. Statism (centralization, bureaucratics, nationalization) is most prominent among a broad element of socialist or socialoid indoctrination and these are usually not hostile to the U. S. as such. The Communoids can ride on this statism. They are cynical now about it anyway, but can use the centralized state when the time comes.

April 5, 1967

Our women are only of certain ages, not of all yet. They are 14, 19, 26, 32, 39, 47 and 55. Each age carries forward to two years beyond the next age except the first. The last age, 55,carries her into the vague seventies during which all count is lost.

April 8, 1967 Aloft 3,000 meters over Tuscany in a new Alitalia Fokker

Three large and small lakes are passed. Two, possibly three, could be craters of great extinct volcanoes. Or they could be created by meteors.

Get a map of Etruria. Plot all known Etruscan settlements, with index of size where possible.

Apply ecological and [ekistical?] principles. It should be possible to determine by the patterns of settlements whether the lake beds were settled in historical times. Especially significant would be a conclusion that the flat-banked lake shows no pronounced signs and therefore would probably be of lesser importance as a settlement area, being older; a cosmic disaster would not have affected the pattern of Etruscan settlements in historic times.

April 9, 1967 en route Palermo - Catania by train

From Rome to Palermo by air yesterday afternoon. A gusty flight. An old man in the garb of the Sicilian shepherd was aboard and was obstreperous because they would not stop the plane so he could search for his baggage, which he was sure had been misplaced. With some smiles we tried to explain to him that he was 25,000 feet up and going at 800 kilometers per hour. Next to me were two Americans from Boston, of wealthy appearance. "Stop the world, he wants to get off," I said to the lady, a Mrs. Wesman. But she was a little frightened herself.

Carla and Geri di Mora were waiting for me at Carla's Galleria. We had cocktails at the adjoining "American Bar" and dined at La Caprice. American sailors were all over Palermo, large, neat, and well-behaved. Two warships had come in. Dinner was a stew of green vegetables, a rice and shrimp casserole, a broiled dentice fish, and a chocolate mousse, all of Sicilian cuisine and a good Corvo White wine.

The heavy wind blew out the city lights at least twice during the evening, at dinner and then later on while we were examining paintings. I chose several of Miluzzo and Zoda and completed the purchase of the fruit bowl of De Chirico for $4,200. All the others came to $100 additionally, and I like practically all of them better than the de Chirico. However, perhaps the latter can be sold in America for twice the amount, if not immediately, then within a couple of years. Collectors profit from the death of the artist; de Chirico is 86 years old. The work of Miluzzo and Zoda should increase in value and indeed, though I am not wealthy, the several pieces are full of enjoyment. I know too that my friends would like to buy them should I wish to sell them.

Now with the ten that I purchased from Anna Maria, I have collected more than I originally had contemplated.

I slept at the Hotel Ponte. The wind was fierce. At 7:00 this morning, the plane for Catania was canceled and I boarded the 8:45 train instead.

April 9, 1967

"Who are our children that they should deserve such peace of mind?" I asked this of an American lady on an airplane after she had lamented how college students were racked by uncertainty over the question whether military service would interrupt their studies. Life is a continual series of interruptions. Nothing is finished. The youth dies at the wheel of the car. The artist paints at 86. The phone rings next to the copulating couple. The winter interrupts the fragrant fall. The road cuts through the cemetery. My memories are torn by the destruction of their source. Let the children know that what we deserve in the way of peace is only the bone that luck tosses to us. Completion is of the soul. Its critical events are imperceptible to the naked eye.


I shall never discover whether life is a vale of tears or whether it is a happy time. The sense of tragedy is frequently overpowering. And most tormenting is the inherence of tragedy in love. To lay waste to one's soul, to harden the heart into rock is the way out, but it is very death itself. Verily, that is the way out. To live otherwise painfully, though, feeling the bed of nails with every toss of human feeling.

April 19, 1967 Saigon

"The Studied barbarian"

Cf. how bellicose migrations of peoples have incurred in history. Inferior, more primitive ones have pushed out on the more refined. This still goes on in Asia, Africa and South America. Remedy is to form redoubts of studied and controlled barbarians. That is, let the advanced airborne power implant a permanent force station in the nucleus of such concentric circles of outgoing movements. By restraint or pressure it can control the intermediate waves.

Cf. S. E. Asia. Set up the redoubt in the interior area impinging on Laos, VN, Burma, Thailand, China, Tibet.

April 20, 1967 Saigon

Questions, questions, questions.

What proportion of casualties in this war are caused by the enemy directly and directly and indirectly by "friendly" force action? Accidents, incidents are many, and increase with the speed, communications complexity, multi-front character of warfare.

What effect does the all-night noise of the air-conditioner have on my psyche?

Will the Vietnamese constitution work?

What attitude should I assume over Cathy, Vicki, and Dante marching in the Anti-War Parade in New York?

Why to Jausten at 3:30 after five hours' sleep? Why did my neck sweat earlier ?

Why do people start killing in order to cure their social problems? Because they cannot otherwise escape the innate aggressiveness of authority? Because they are forced to lie?

April 22, 1967 Saigon

Lt. Steve Morris of ARPA told me when I arrived at the ARPA compound about noon today, having spent an hour looking over a promising building for Simulmatics, that he had left a telephone message from John Hart on my desk asking me to call him at home or at his work. I asked "Who is John Hart?" Steve was astonished. "Don't you know him? He said he was an old friend of yours, according to the Colonel who called on his behalf." "I can't place him," I replied. "He is Chief of the Office of Special Assistance. He is head of the CIA in Vietnam." I was baffled. John Hart, John Hart. Steve stared at me. I pondered. Then suddenly, not sharp yet, but shadowy I remembered him. We lived near one another. We were friendly. It was the University of Chicago, just before or just after the war. Perhaps both. Oliver Koerner was involved in our relationship. Jill was too. Carl Stillman as well. He was dark. Good-looking. Suave. He seemed always to be holding something of himself back -- not in a hostile way, nor in a bashful way, but merely respectful of a world that was full of everybody's all. I phoned him later and he'll pick me up for lunch Wednesday.

April 29, 1967 - Friday

A hard week ends tonight. Tomorrow morning I fly home. I will have set up a research facility, discovered and leased a building to house it, hired a half-dozen persons, arranged the transfer of all personnel and materials from Dr. Worchel, renegotiated several contracts that appeared moribund, and entered upon at least one new contract. On top of all this, I will have devoted fully half of my time to work with the several members of the Advisory Team on Psychological Operations that General Westmoreland had requested. I have made dozens of new acquaintances, and even greeted several old ones like Church Thomson, John Hart, Francis de Tarr, Sam Popkin and of course the visitors with whom I spent much of my first week here - Hagai, Garry Quinn, Stubbs and Ramsburg from DOD. Most interesting of the total group of new and old -- each for different reasons: Lieutenant Colonel Rick Buck, Colonel John Patterson, Garry Quinn, John Hart, Phil Worchel. Of persons interesting especially because they are types: Nancy Black, Sergeant Dixon, CWO Nagy, L. Col. George Osborne, the three southwestern boys of Worchel's team -- Doug Braithwaite, McWhorter, and Joe Jackson. Col. Kinnaid of JS4 -- intellectual, self-concerned, refined.

Ambassador Bunker, newly arrived, spruce, how lucky he is to command such a mammoth and energetic machine.

Ambassador Porter -- He will be leaving. Sharp-witted, intelligent, non-compartmentalized, easy.

Dr. Macmillan, Scientific Advisor and friend of Westmoreland, the clean-cut science-fiction hero scientist. He is active, not superior mentally, I should guess, on matters of human affairs.

General Westmoreland left just after we arrived and returns after I leave -- hence will not meet him as scheduled on Wednesday. Perhaps another time. One rumor has it that Abrams will succeed him, another, Turner, friend of Bunker.

April 29, 1967

In chess, the possible sets of moves are extremely numerous but not infinite. The number of applied science sets of moves is infinite for all practical purposes. It is not at all possible therefore to produce a single applied science. Rather we work on typical behaviors and typical goals, and prescribe sets of actions that come close to the expected goals and behavior. In this sense only is applied social science possible, just as chess strategy, i. e. the applied science of mathematical given the "checkmate" goal, actually comes down to a certain number of typically successful contests.

A newspaper account of February 4, 1967 describes pig-tailed monkeys of Thailand that are trained as coconut pickers and work diligently and efficiently at the task for six hours a day, seven days of the week. The macaques are motivated by fear of punishment, not by rewards. They usually learn their job in a month. The native trainers use ordinary conditioning, associating words with actions. The process has been going on since time immemorial.

NB: 1. Presence of an applied science.

2. Ability of monkeys to perform work as well as men.

3. The rediscovery by psychologists of the already practiced.

4. How this "rediscovery" and "write-up" puts a practice into the stream of science, and makes science of it.

April 29, 1967

Norman Brill tells in the Proceedings of the California Conference of Social Work, 1956, of types of persons who do not want health and even seek ill-health. He suggests "poor motivation" be advertised as one would the dangers of alcoholism. He calls it an important public health problem. It is that, for every society has the sick under-motivated deviants from the society's norm of motivation. The norm of course can vary and therefore what is sick motivation will vary too.

April 30, 1967 En route

Lecture on [network? return?] on Methodology of Phil Worshell's "AF/PF"

Design and financing problems

Training problems

girls and officers

printing conditions



use of TAT's


1. Go through mail

2. Submit Expense Report for March 23 to April 30, deducting $1,000 advance.

3. Get decision on villa

4. Call Dyer

5. Call Quinn re Herz, ARVN effect, etc.

6. Prepare Monday lecture

7. Call Ed Greenfield

8. Start Richard on books, methods of studying and effects of [communism?] [commitment?]

9. See Carl Martinson

10. See Brecknell re work; receipts.

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