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The New Assembly

The steps to a Cosmarchy of the New United Nations World can be definitive, clear and abrupt. The father of modern China, Sun Yat-Sen, dictated early in this century: "To understand is difficult; thence to achieve is easy." In keeping with Sun Yat-Sen's words, the difficult phase of "understanding" is practically over; the moment of simple "achievement" is here. The structure of the new world can be erected in a single meeting of well-disposed leaders. Or it can be imposed in a few years by a dedicated movement of Tutors. Most likely it will be done, if at all, by both groups.

Its offices, operating principles and chief powers can be simultaneously defined. Interminable haggling over details of design, minor imbalances, prejudicial peculiarities, and favorable allowances always indicate the absence of an initial meeting of minds, so too stiffness in the face of inevitable pushing and pulling. Debates over "socialism" and "capitalism" are uncalled for: property is a bundle of rights respecting anything; who should have what rights over a thing depends upon what the thing is supposed to provide and can be made to provide by whom and for whom, and when.

The reformed structure may not include all nations, although it should use the United Nations for its founding base, cannibalizing its offices and useful parts so as more quickly to fabricate and nourish the New World United Nations. What must be done is clear in principle. A suitable plan can be sketched here to reveal how the principles might be structured:

From the start, the idea of People, of Persons, not of national states or sovereignties, must be made the energizing basis of the structure. The individual citizens of the world (more than three billions of men and women over 16 years of age) should be granted five votes expressing in all cases one's major interest in the world: a human's personal, occupational, local, national, and regional interests. The World Union is thus to possess, in structure and in its several important powers, five faculties writ large, magnified over three billion times.

Using approximate figures to explain the process, the restructured UN Assembly should be created with 500 equally empowered members, of which 100 evolve from each of the five votes of the individual. Thus the Congress would possess 100 members elected by the people of the world voting in a hundred equal population districts on the principle of the Brams Consent Ballot. (Under the Consent Ballot system, a voter casts his ballot for any and all candidates whom he likes or would tolerate from no matter how large a list of them he is given. His preferences are given equal weight in the tallies, and the most popular candidate in his district, who has collected the most assents to his holding office, is elected.)

The New UN Assembly would also contain 100 members representing the functional associations of the world (such as fisheries, agriculture, mining and manufacturing, electronics, and civil servants), another group of 100 members chosen by 100 metropolitan regional councils of the world, still another 100 members elected by ten regional assemblies of the world, and finally 100 members chosen by the governments of the nation-states of the world.

The New Assembly would be empowered to appoint and supervise the Executive Branch of Government, as the new UN Council might be called, which would employ a Chief Coordinator (Chairperson or President), together with Coordinators assigned to five great executive departments, these having to do with the functions of the public as individual citizens, the functional associations of the world, the metropolitan councils, the regions, and the states.

The Assembly would exercise limited legislative powers granted to the World Government under a ten-year Constitution. (What has been set forth in this tract contains material for such a Constitution.) It would be charged with protecting human rights everywhere and enjoined from abridging them anywhere, with the World Court sitting as judge upon disputes. It would possess a power of planning and taxing, of setting up a distinctive world police force, of pursuing the goals of the 1990's such as were set forth earlier, and of providing a world system of federal courts. It would be enabled also to draw into the Federal Union any and all resources, personnel, and functions of presently existing international institutions.

Any and all governments standing outside the New World United Nations, whether because of disbelief, domestic problems, or obstructive interest groups, should be asked to join ad hoc on all particular programs and to be represented virtually without voting or other responsibility as if they were full members of the Union from the beginning. From this virtual membership, they would graduate to actual membership.


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